After reading that title you may have just squealed with excitement, or groaned inwardly. For those of you that are excited, welcome to the article that will finally back up your obsession. If not, then get ready to become an astrological expert when you’re done here. (Sadly, we’re not here to tell you who your perfect match is based on your zodiac sign)
What exactly are zodiac signs you may ask? It’s pretty simple, actually. Zodiacs are apart of a horoscope, which depend on your DOB. Most people call this a moon chart, which you can calculate here. However, that’s a lot to try and understand for a beginner. For now, this simple zodiac wheel below should help you find your zodiac sign.

You can’t spin this wheel, but you can find out what your personality is like with it!
Notice the dates in purple font surrounding fancy names like Sagittarius and Scorpio. What’s that? You know what this means? Okay, well, this is for those who still have no clue what they’re looking at. Think of your date of birth and then find it. If you were born on May 22nd, you’ll see you’re a Gemini!
If you wanna know what that means we’ll start slow. Gemini is one out of the 12 signs in the zodiac wheel. It starts every year around the end of spring. Notorious for it’s symbol of Twins, Gemini’s get a bad rep. Sometimes very lively and creative people, other times two-faced. Gemini’s fall under the Air element, Avatar: The Last Airbender, anyone? but signs do fall under the elements. Along with Air, there’s Earth, Water, and Fire. Other zodiac signs that fall under Air include Libras and Aries. If you wanna find out more about Gemini’s or your sign, click here.
It’s easy to forget that astrology actually has historical roots as far back as Babylonian times. Their astrological charts helped them predict the recurrence of seasons and other celestial events. Through the studies of great philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, it became a highly-regarded science.
” If it didn’t work, it would long ago have taken its place alongside them in the footnotes of history.” –here.